I found the four things to become a great teacher video was very interesting and helpful to guide myself in my new journey as an instructor.
I had never heard about REFOCUS before. But I found this to be useful and plan to utilize it in my classes.
Allow adult learners to have a few moments of child like behavior to look forward to such as a goofy holiday or event to help relieve stress of class.
Encourage students to open up about themselves and find out their desires or motivation for taking the course.
When instructing on a demonstration limit steps to 5-7steps.
Provide a little bit of background about your professional and personal life to allow your students to get to know you. Allow students a few minutes to talk about their goals for school. This also gives you a chance to learn their names and correctly pronounce their names.
Be timely yourself if you expect students to also be timely to class. Keep a notebook handy so I don't forget items I need to follow up on after class is over.
Learn from previous mistakes from instructors I've had in the past. Try to be a role model but not a pal to students.
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