At first, I was a little intimidated realizing how little I knew about making appropriate accomodations to make coursework accessbile to all. While I know there is still a lot to learn, I think what I feel better about knowing is that there are resources, and I can simply speak with my school/department/team to help assist in making sure my class is appropriate for all.
This module did a good job pointing out use of assistive technology for those with learning disabilities. It is important to know this because it is our legal and ethical obligation to students to make sure they are given access to appropriate tools for their learning experience.
A major takeaway I took from this presentation is how to be accomodating. Accomodations does not mean changing the curriculum for a student with disabilities, but rather, providing the appropriate tools and resources to help them be successful with the curriculum.
I appreciate this course taking on the topic of disabilities. Most importantly, not only did it highlight different types, but offered possible solutions instructors can implement to help make their teaching be more accessible to all.
This module is a great reminder that instructors are human and have insecurities as well. However it is important to not let those insecurities get in our way of teaching.
I like how this module discussed different personalities you may encounter as an instructor and some strategies to work with those students so they can still have a positive learning experience.
This is definitely a fear of mine as a new instructor. How do I handle challenging students? Will I be able to be stern enough yet flexible and compassionate at the same time for them? I am thankful this module took some time out to discuss interventions that can be used based on the student's personality/problem.
This module made a great point that it takes a multifaceted approach to truly be a great instructor. To be in that role, you must be able to know your content in depth, but also know how to deliver it effectively and manage a classroom.
In this day and age where almost everything is digital, it is important to know how to navigate in a way that still upholds FERPA standards. For example, now a days social media is very popular and some teachers may like to utilize a platform to showcase what they are teaching in class. It is important for that teacher to know the rules in doing so, which include having permission from the students before being posted.
I appreciated how this module took the time to explain how FERPA applies in different situations (such as for an alumni students versus a former student who is now deceased). It is important to be able to apply the rule appropriately based on the student's enrollment status.
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