Lara Denesia

Lara Denesia

About me


I really believe in the benfits of storyboarding. Usually in an online environment, we are only partially able to post things, say on the Announcements section. I love including articles, tid bits on pitfalls of the week, extra questions to have students ask themselves and possibly a few videos from youtube for students having a hard time with a subject. It's the part of the course that I love to be creative! Usually, it's an evolutionary process. By the 3rd time or so I teach a course I have many layers of components I have storyboarded and implemented. How do… >>>

Discussion Comment
As online educators to mainly adult learners, we still have to be able to apply the subject to their current goals or past experiences. Adult learners need the WHY in their day to day push towards their degree. I usually include a weekly announcement that is reflective of the current topic to the news or a specific job or industry. How do you keep the weekly topics relevant for online adult learnes?
Let me say first that I love the capability that Adobe Connect has provided to instructors. It's a wonderful environment for the online learner and instructor. What I am lacking in the tool is the capability for the students to talk as well. Even if the tool would allow a single student to talk at a time, this would greatly enable the interaction of a synchronous session. We are getting so close with online learning! I'm sure the capabilities will come soon! What software have you found to be beneficial for synchronous learning sessions?

I often give a comprehensive final exam in any course I teach whether it be online or in person. It provides student's a path through the last few weeks of learning that 'put it all together'. It makes the pieceiness of the course come together in one cohesive unit. It's important to have this sort of final review in order to let the student understand what they have learned and where it can possibly be applied. It's not just about having a comprehensuve exam, but about gearing it towards the totality of the degree and the path which they are… >>>

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