Lynn Beegle

Lynn Beegle

Location: raleigh, raleigh, nc, nc

About me

I work as an instructor at the Raleigh campus for ECPI University. I teach networking, computer applications, and computer hardware.  I teach students in four degrees: Network Security, Electronics Engineering, Criminal Justice, and Medical Assisting. I've earned my CHEP in Classroom Instruction and a CHEP in Online Instruction. 

When I am not working at ECPI, I am still busy: volunteering for, doing yardwork, leading birdwalks for Wake Audubon Society and volunteering for the NC Bird Atlas project to map out breeding birds all through the state. I run a Meetup for Wake Audubon. too!

 I am also a  retired licensed massage therapist, NC 4385.

My Linkedin Account is



The comparisons of the merites of Synchronous and Asynchronous Discussions  was a real eye-opener for me (EL102, Module 3).

I've used some asynchronous discussions in the past in my OG (On Ground) courses, but most of them don't have any of these in the course any more -- a major difference between the Online and the OnGround. Now that our OG are Remote Synchronous, I have to consider what to do about discussions. We meet for five hours at a time (everyone is in the same time zone) but I can see the value of having the ASynchronous Discussion. But… >>>

I come from a long traditional of OG (On Ground/ Inseat) teaching at ECPI, and the recent move to Remote Synchronous (due to COVID-19 restrictions) has been a steep learning curve for both me and my students! That's why I am taking EL102. As for "Establishing Relationships" (Unit 2), I have long had this as my first assignment: they fill out a CONFIDENTIAL Student Profile and upload it as a PDF. I make sure they know it is only seen by me and perhaps their program director. The questions include the usual things, such as preferred name, phone number, may… >>>

I've been an On-Ground (inseat) instructor for ECPI Raleigh NC campus since May 2002 (18 years!) and only recenlty  moved to semi-Online due to the COVID-19 "Stay At Home" directive (March to now and UFN). Now I teach my On-Ground as Remote -- Synchronous and the Learning Curve has been steep for me and for my students. This EL102 course (Online Teaching Techniques) is already helping bridge the gap beween OG and OL and be a successful Remote instructor. For example, it points out a list of what to do before the course starts, and what to keep track of… >>>

Index cards can be useful ?!

Yes, I use index cards in a class or two to help me with attendance and accomplishments. My EET250 Computer Organization I inseat class uses index cards. Each student writes their name on the top line, followed by the ten dates of the class on each line. Each day, I hand out the cards at the start of each class. When the first hour is up, I take attedance based on the cards that have not been handed out yet. I can mark "A" or "L" on the cards for "absent" or "late".  They… >>>

Our Syllabus and our grading: how they fit together

The adult learner in a career college course is concerned with (1) obtaining the knowledge and skills to succeed in the career of their choice and (2) receiving clear, attainable guidelines in the form of grades in the course. 

Therefore, I always study the official syllabus of the course to determine how grades are assessed (most ECPI syllabi have specific categories, such as 30% for tests, 20% for discussion boards, etc. )

Then I assess each gradable item in the learning shell (web site, such as LMS/Moodle) and determine which ones… >>>

I finished the third section of ED119, where the course introduces educators to several methods of collaborating and communicating with students, including Facebook, Twitter, and Skype. I have several concerns, however, about the "Digital Trail". Our university keeps EVERY email we send out and receive via our school account because of some sort of requirement to be able to trace all communications. All these external tools bypass that requirement. Isn't that a formula for troulble?

For example, suppose a student claims an instructor made several inappropriate remarks or do you prove or disprove that? What about a student who… >>>

Enjoying the EE117 Generation Y course so far. But I've always heard the generation born during 1922-1943 referred to as "The Greatest Generation". This course calls them "Veterans" and "The Silent Generation". Veterans is a phrase meant for someone who served in the military, so I don't think it should be applied to an entire generation.... And "Silent" does not seem empowering. So is there a better name for The Greatest Generation? - Beegle in Raleigh


Discussion Comment

Hello, Gary. RE: "Student walked out" posting. Now that it has happened,let's see what to do: (1) I would definitely contact the student to make sure she is OK and to ask if she has any concerns. That would put your question is a non-defensive tone.  I would NOT say "Why did you walk out?" because it can lead to either a confrontation or a closing of communication.

I KNOW what you are saying; her actions (walking out without a word of explanation) were not professional. But the point of going to ECPI is to learn the skills, knowledge and… >>>

I often have anywhere from 18 to 24 students in my class. To help learn their names quickly, I ask them quietly and individually what their last name is and what they PREFER to be called. I often hear nicknames/preferred middle names/short names that other teachers never know about! I also ask them to pronounce their name several times if it is difficult for me, and I tell them, "PLEASE let me know if I am saying your name wrong at any time during this course".

Now, while I am doing this, the class is engaged - usually with a… >>>

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