lisa bennett

lisa bennett

About me


In this turblent work world,with all of its unpredictiable qualities, it is important to help students know that they are not their job.They have a boundless purpose inatly in their humanity that exceeds being a human doing rather then a humanbeing.I like to foster a true discovery of the personal self, comple with true identiy.For me this is bearing the image of God,and valuing others with God's love.It is far more profound and powerful.

@lbennettgarza : Instructors have to want to mentor not jst teach.They have to have a passion for passing down the wisdom and minting new professional into a vision ,future and hope.Giving the students the power to pursue dreams, to see themselves at the top.We must inspire them, love them and sow into their lives the massive benefit of our tenure in the profssion.

work pace survival and the real work world are always the target.Often times I will use word pictures in my lectures from my dailyexperience in the exact setting that they will most likle work in.

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