Laura Cuevas

Laura Cuevas

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As an admissions representative, it is very important to remember not to assume when working with students with disabilities! 

I agree with Louis, I had never heard the term Universal Design but I have also seen Universal Designs used around me. Such as, automatic door openers.


It’s true, many people, me included, tend to forget that FERPA not only relates to maintaining student records private. But it also gives students the right to access and request their educational records. Students may still view their records even if they have an overdue balance.

It is very important to stay in compliance and in order to do so one must clearly understand what can and cannot be released. 

Prior to being asked to complete this training I was already familiar with FERPA however the amount of  information that has been discussed so far is extremely detailed and useful. FERPA protects students' rights and information because students privacy is important. FERPA is utilized in K-12 and higher education schools. 

Retaliation is a big no! It is unlawful to retaliate against someone who has had the courage to speak up when an incident has occurred. And it is important for both students and staff to be educated.

It is important that all incident's reported are thoroughly investigated regardless if the incident occurred on or off campus. And it is highly encouraged that a police report is filed. 

I learned the necessary steps that need to be taken when reporting an incident that has occurred as well as the  importance of immediate action.

Title IX was enacted to protect students and employees from being discriminated against due to their sex. VAWA, Violence Against Women Act, is a law that requires institutions to offer programs that help prevent dating violence, sexual assault and stalking. These laws pertain to institutions where federal aid is provided. I agree with Harold Ortiz, this is a very detailed and useful explanation as to why Title IX and VAWA exist.

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