Galenea Miller

Galenea Miller

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This is excellent information that I hope is being taught throughout ALL age ranges.  

Reply to Raymond Pelky's post: I was going to say something similar. 

This module I was pondering the steps smaller institutions could take to ensure all parties involved are honored with mainting confidentiality. As well as the Title IX Coordinatior not having any conflicts of interest. I see how it can be done but I found it interesting to process. 

I found this training to be extremely beneficial. Even though I may be familiar with much of the content. Each time I think of different ways to perceive what I'm reading. In my profession, I have unfortunately dealt with my fair share of sexual harassment. It is crucial that institutions work on developing a cultutre that no longer tolerates discrimination, harassment and abuse of any kind. That we will not tolerate nothing short of inlcusion and positive touch. As educators it is our responsibilty. While it troubles me that there is a need to have inacted these policies I am… >>>

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