Leonardo David Balduzzi

Leonardo David Balduzzi

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Hello! I find particularly challenging the activities aimed at creating community among students and instructors participating in the online course. The possibility of connecting and relating with other people, beyond the distance, seems to me to be a fundamental element of this teaching-learning modality. A pleasure to greet you from Cordoba, Argentina!

Hi! I really liked the idea of incorporating activities/questions that promote critical thinking, problem solving and the application of content to the solution of real situations. Many times we instructors focus on having students explain content instead of using it. A pleasure to greet you from Cordoba, Argentina!

Hi! The most important thing I learned is the enormous diversity of learning activities that can be developed in online courses, combining synchronous and asynchronous instances, respecting the pace of each student and always oriented to the practical application (located) of the contents. A pleasure to greet you from Cordoba, Argentina!

Hello! It is interesting to analyze the progress of online education, increasingly important for the training of professionals and experts in different disciplines. I keep the idea that the form (structure) of the course has a special relationship with the contents. A pleasure to greet you from Cordoba, Argentina.

Hello. I share with you an experience of collaborative work combining synchronous and asynchronous classes in university education. Greetings from Córdoba, Argentina.

Hello! From this fourth module I keep the following ideas: making teaching-learning strategies explicit (socialize them with the course), evaluation as a learning tool (not only for testing) and adapting the teaching proposals to the different technopedagogical profiles. Greetings from Córdoba, Argentina!

Hi! Bearing in mind that learning is a social fact, not only an individual one, it seems to me fundamental to implement strategies that promote collaboration, interaction, mutual communication, the search for common solutions to problems, as well as the shared production of knowledge. One possibility to implement the proposals of this third module could be through the formulation of team projects that provide concrete solutions to certain problems. Greetings from Córdoba, Argentina!

Hello! I will keep two ideas that I found remarkable in this second module. On the one hand, the planning of synchronous activities based on previous trigger questions, which can be useful both to test previous knowledge and to motivate the need to engage with the contents. On the other hand, the idea of modified lectures with different variables, I think it can be an interesting way to develop a traditional practice in an innovative way. Greetings from Cordoba, Argentina!

Hello! Very interesting all the teaching proposals presented in this first module. A common aspect of all of them is that they seek to “activate” and “keep active” the students through different activities that involve them in a meaningful way with the contents. They are learner-centered strategies, where the instructor becomes a guide, tutor or support, not an imparter of knowledge. Greetings from Cordoba, Argentina!

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