Lacey Hatfield

Lacey HatfieldCHEP

About me


I think it's important for all of us all to act and conduct ourselves in the same manner. Compliance is really important and allows us to do our job the way that it should be done.


The schools that are non compliat Give trade schools a bad name.


Being transparent as to what the program/job entails is so important. That way the student knows exactly what they are getting their selves into


This group is important to not only protect our student but also our industry. some trade schools give us a bad name, this group ensures that everyone is up holding standards.


It is important to practice what you preach. When we are all compliant it set a tone for the whole and delivers a great product to our students.


It sounds like we as instructoros will face the same type of issues that we come across in the class room as far as personalities go. I guess the way that we confront these issues will just be slightly different. 


The asynchronous discussion online might be more usfull for the over all class due to the fact that everyone will be participating. This will be more inclusive that way not one student drives the discussion. 


I like the idea of posting a bio about yourself and then receiving one about the student. I think that the individuale followup will really invest the student and help them to feel more connected. 


The  structure of the online class is in the CMS, however the class can still be molded through the instructor prefrences. Communication is key and you can still drive home the information to the student. 


I have more information now on the specifics of what motivates individuals. I think that reinforcing the purpose behind their work will be as big motivating factor.

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