Lisa Johnson

Lisa Johnson

No additional information available.


I have learned that organization on my part will make my life easier. 

I plan to start organizing my information by utilizing folders for each of my classes.  I also plan to set parameters for answering emails.  I find myself answering emails throughout the day and even when I'm at home.



I now have a better understanding about Asynchronous vs. Synchrous Discussions.  Both discussions have their different place in the teaching world.  

I have seen through my 4 years of teaching that students have different learning styles and I need to be flexible to promote individual learning.  I plan to utilize chat sessions so students can learn from each other.


I have learned that I need to adopt a multitude of strategies to energize my students through elearning.


I plan to help my students feel comfortable and secure with my e-classroom.  I want them to follow my regular classroom rules by helping them feel respected, be prepared and following directions/dealines.


I have learned that quality courses are highly interactive not just a platform where students can retrieve information.  

I plan to make sure my students know how to get learning support as well as technical support.  I have found through this COVID-19 online teaching that students are having some difficulty with home internet support and my directions.  I have reached out to help my students with home internet support and I have reworded my instructions for clarification.


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