Janel Schneider

Janel Schneider

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Reply to Paul Glock's post:Thank you, Paul,  I appreciate your suggestions. I'm looking into them both.

Many factors and strategies will make all the difference in workload management. When teachers have planned their courses effectively and taken the time to familiarize themselves with all support systems available for themselves and their students this can help in getting off to an informed and more comfortable start.  A well organized and strong course structure with well presented course introduction and course syllabus should guide students to communicate with staff and fellow students using the best communication tools to assist in workload management by assuring students can access the information they need while taking responsibility upon themselves and working… >>>

With the busy lives of adult students, the course has to be recognized as meaningful and applicable.  Students may need assistance in realistically determining if the course can work with their schedule, how to make that happen, and whether they want to make it the priority it needs to be for their success.  Students need to be advised of common pitfalls (such as underestimating the time commitment, over committing to too many responsibilities, overestimating their skills, and procrastinating) to be avoided prior to making their decision to enroll in an online course.

Once a student makes the decision to enroll… >>>

It is important to survey students regarding their technical skills and comfort level with technology.  It is important to provide a list of technology access and skills that will be needed for the course in the syllabus, and it is important teachers assist students in obtaining the access and skills needed or lacking.

Students must buy in to the idea of student centered learning for collaborative meaningful learning with their teacher in a "guide on the side role" and become designers and evaluators of learning goals, course goals, and project goals in order to participate in evaluating and identifying the… >>>

In the effort to help ourselves and our students prepare to become successful participants in online learning, the following are key steps: preassessment of staff and student preparedness with corresponding follow-up adjustments; developed open communication; developed well organized syllabus, course structure, communication maintenance strategy, encouragement/reward system, and individualized communication and plans for students with special needs.


I have been focused largely on the importance of the idea of communication in distance learning as my students are not allowed any internet access, and no technology or phone correspondence of any kind.  I am wondering if there is still a way to create communication when everything is paper based distance learning.  My students are all ages, so I am familiar with the differences in communication.  As things are during COVID I am having a difficult time getting students to particpate in communication, and I think if there were a way to create more communication amongst the class it… >>>

What current and useful tech tools exist for designing math classes, math problems, and math assessments?

We may not need to reinvent the wheel, or it may be easier to recreate the course when translating the learning objectives and our own teaching styles to online courses for online learning.  Also, overcome fears and keep moving forward in this process.


I've learned that both synchronous and asynchronos communication are probably both important for most online courses.  Students can learn at their own pace in asynchronous learning which will be great for advanced students who can delve further into the material for further mastery and application of the skills taught while slower students can take their time not feeling completely rushed to gain a better understanding of lessons presented, and working at their pace, may also be more comfortable to pursue further application of the lesson skills.  At the same time, I believe the personal face to face time for many… >>>

I learned that in teaching and organizing a virtual learning environment the following technology tool steps are key:  choose appropriate and varied technology from the variety of tech tools available; match approplriate technology tools with function; use technology to facilitate teaching by matching technology tools also to teaching style; and assessing effectiveness of tech tools.  Just in the list of tech tools alone, I've never had prior experience or training with any of the tech tools listed, so I've learned that there is still so much more to learn, and I'm wondering how many of the tech tools listed are… >>>

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