Making sure that extra credit does not carry more weight in the class than the required assignments. Grade books can be paper or electronic.
Have a plan B prepared. If students get distracted use plan be to get them engaged in the class again.
Different models have different ways of presenting material to the students. Using a pp form will help students learn the material visually and I can pause for discussion if need be.
My attitude and preparedness will affect the learning environment of the classroom. Being organized is the key to ensure the subject material is presented well to the students.
I appreciate the understanding of the history of CTE. It was interesting that females started teaching after men in the 18 century
I understand the Perkins Grant.
AI can track student performances. It is a good idea to let students earn badges. This will show progression in the online class.
ITS=Intelligent Tutoring System will provide praise and positive reinforcement for the student.
Using more video production and fewer digital worksheets will help students with their practical skills.
The remote classroom should be more active so the students retain the information better.
Written and oral communication needs to stay at the forefront which will help CTE students master professional skills.
Students should take ownership of their learning, and the instructions should be less, not more.
Instructors should design an instructional approach that affects change.
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