Lindsey Schuhmacher

Lindsey Schuhmacher

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After completing the course, I realized that I am guilty of over-using procedural questions and worse, using the "filler" questions like "does that make sense?", "OK?", etc. I think I need to practice my speaking skills, as those types of questions help fill space when you are nervous or trying to maintain your train of thought. Does anyone have any advice on eliminating filler questions that arise out of nervousness?
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One major stress factor in my life is having too many jobs. While there are some full time positions available in career colleges, many of the instructors are adjunct. We work part time and have no benefits or job security. However, we are still responsible for providing an excellent education experience for students at our schools. Adjuncts rarely make enough money to work just one job, so most supplement their income by working at multiple schools. Working at 3 schools is hard to manage, with all the different policies, passwords, colleagues, etc. This course is providing some excellent ideas for… >>>

Hi everyone, I enjoyed learning about some ways to save time as an instructor. One thing that came to mind as I read about re-using materials is that textbooks change so often, making it difficult to re-use the same PowerPoints, lesson plans, etc even if you are teaching the same course. Has anyone else encountered this problem? If so, how have you dealt with it in the most time-saving way possible?
Hi everyone, I've enjoyed reading about all of your great ideas for employing active learning in the career college classroom. I incorporate active learning through writing groups, small group discussions, and guided activities. My goal is to involve all students, but I find that shy students do not participate as much in activities that involve the entire class. In my experience, they do better in small groups. Does anyone have any advice for getting them more involved in all-class activities?

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