Lisa Sharpe

Lisa Sharpe

About me

Dr. Lisa Sharpe has two decades of experience in higher education, both as a professor and as an administrator. She has developed multiple new courses, certificate programs, bachelor's and master's degrees in a career schools environment. Dr. Sharpe's doctoral work and research interests are centered on faculty development, particularly adjunct faculty development. As a professor and chair at the university level, she facilitated faculty development and taught in the areas of strategic planning and student development. As an administrator, her interests center on instructional design and assessment, particularly authentic assessment. Dr. Sharpe is also a graphic and multimedia designer with extensive experience practicing and teaching in the design field. She has spent her entire career working with career students and the faculty who teach them. She considers teaching an honor, and loves to help administrators and faculty succeed and better their professional development.


Kimberly, Brand Identity is becoming more and more important as "big name" colleges and universities get into the game. Interestingly, the regionaly accredited universities are also allowed to discount their tuition, whereas most career schools are not. I'd say that's an unfair advantage! Dr. Lisa Sharpe
Kimberly, Wow, that's cool! Good for you for using a cloud-based, up to date tracking tool. We don't need to re-invent the wheel. Dr. Lisa Sharpe
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Kimberly, I know that too! When one of my previous employers (midsize NFP university) was losing students by the week, one of the deans came up with an idea that sounded good -- all faculty would survey students regarding their satisfaction with that class EVERY WEEK. Well, I think you can imagine how the students reacted after a few weeks. They stopped taking it seriously. MaxKnowledge is, as you know, self-paced, but since we have a highly motivated audience, we don't have as many drops as traditional age students. What were the results of your call campaign? I'd be interested,… >>>

Kimberly, How well I know that process! When I worked in an HLC environment, this was a critical part of the application, too. Once the white paper was approved, we started to move ahead on the degree or certificate, and thus got a jump start. Assuming you are now in a different accreditation system, as I am, I would be interested in knowing how the white paper affects the application process. Dr. Lisa Sharpe
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Kimberly, How amny times a year does your advisory board meet? Seeing that busy schedules are such a factor, do you ever meet electronically? Dr. Lisa Sharpe
George, Is your institution completely bilingual? That truly is a point of distinction. I'm interested! Dr. Lisa Sharpe
George, You are very much on track. Do you also implement advisory boards? Dr. Lisa Sharpe
George, Wow. That is amazing. The only Dual Language program in my area that I am aware of is for American Sign Language interpretation, so yours must be very unique! Would you be willing to share a bit more about it? Dr. Lisa Sharpe
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George, Very nice! I think the information gleaned from those NOT enrolling will be the most telling. Dr. Lisa Sharpe
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Dorothy, Thi si an important and little-thought of piece. In my experience, it is natural to assume that those in high positions (CEO, DEAN, Director of Education) will be the best placed to review overall trends. However, you make an important point. Dr. Lisa Sharpe

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