Lorraine Thomas

Lorraine Thomas

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This module discusses critical thinking and strategies that will enhance the student's learning experience. It presents the challenges of students in accepting knowledge from various sources. Some of the activities applied to 21st-century education are jigsaw activities, peer-self-reflection, creation of test questions, and be the Expert. 

Best practices require the incorporation of collaborative learning, cooperative learning, and problem-solving (PBL) to keep students engage and become thinkers. In my experience with various platforms that students can practice all the practices in a virtual world than in a F2F setting. For example Zoom offers break rooms, virtual laboratory, students can present projects… >>>

This module discusses the topic of teachers as directors. In an active learning environment, we should be in the background monitoring allowing students to find their own creative ways to achieve learning goals. Two actions are expected for students in an active learning setting: involvement and engagement. Students will see an instructor that is directing as "not teaching" just because they are used to passive learning than active learning. 

Students come to us with a variety of skills or lack of skills and it is our duty to guide this student towards mastery of those skills. In particular time management.… >>>

This module brings the discussion of attitudes and misconceptions of active learning. Instructors fear active learning for a variety of reasons but primarily the fear of losing control over students learning. Despite students' attitudes towards active learning, this methodology provides students with opportunities to build and test their own knowledge. In F2F and distance learning platforms students will struggle with attention and engagement. This is where the instructor must get creative to ensure students are practicing critical thinking skills. Active learning is not necessarily " edutainment" but a way to bring instructors and students together in a course.

A way… >>>

This module focuses on two types of student's approach: active learning and learner-centered approach. Active Learning moves students from passive learning to actively being involved in the acquisition of knowledge. This pedagogy method puts the responsibility on the student's shoulders rather than on the instructor. 

The learner-centered approach to students has been a change in education. Students are expected to collaborate, cooperate, and to participate in problem-solving learning. In a learner-centered environment, students are self-directed while the instructor serves as a guide rather than a lecturer. Students will take charge of their own learning by practicing self-reflection and individual accountability. … >>>

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