Luz Perry

Luz Perry

About me

I live is St Petersburg Florida with my huband and three dogs I am currently attending SPC working on a degree in business. I enjoy helping students achieve their goals and find their career path.


@IseadMMartell :Even though we should know the material it is a good refresher and a good tool to ensure compliance.

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I had a student that never thought she would go to college she was the first in her family and she had some challenges getting her GED. I kept following up with her and gave her some good resources to study and she did pass after the 3rd try. She didn't give up even though at times she really wanted to I spent many days with her on the phone sometime crying because she really wanted to get into the medical field. In the end she said she did it because someone believed in her and that someone was me...… >>>

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I found this was very helpful, I have been in admissions for over 5 years

this course took me about 2 hours to complete

I really liked the course and I felt everything it entailed was very important to our careers.

I agree, I have worked for other schools that this is not a requirement and the reps pretty much do whatever they need to in order to get their enrollments. I wish every school used this tool to educate them on correct policy.

I find this an issue in most schools I have worked in and I understand we all have goals but we are not commissioned. I still don't get why reps feel the need to steal enrollments and referrals???
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Just wondering if there is formal admissions training at other schools or were you trained in house by another admissions rep?

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