Leslie Walther

Leslie Walther

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Discussion Comment

In a course I teach we do have peer reviews of research papers. I have noticed that even with encouragement from me, many students do not participate. They would rather lose 50% of their grade because they don't want their peers to review their work. I know there are different types of learners, but how can I better show these students the positives of having their peers look at their paper? I have been teaching for years and have yet to have any students be mean or disrespectful when reviewing other student papers. Just trying to find a better approach… >>>

In my classes we have about 12 main discussion topics throughout the course. I have found it difficult to ensure that I'm responding to each student at least once (but usually much much more) throughout the course. With my roster being 30+ students it can be hard to respond to each student for all 12 questions. The only method I have discovered so far is making sure there aren't any students with zero responses and zoning in on them first, and keeping an excel sheet of who I have responded to which can become time consuming. However, without it, I… >>>

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