Marc  Tiernan

Marc Tiernan

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The CTE spepcifc process seems best aligned to mee the needs of CTE teachersa. I believe this approach will help drive imporved instructional practice and content knowledge among CTE teachers. 

I have always heard of National Boards but I have not looked in to it much. I want to continue to learn more and encourage my teachers to apply.

Evaluating teachers can be done using a variety of methods and systems. Each Framework although similiar has unquie differences that should be considered when choosing the framework to be used in a school or school district. 


Being at a comprehnsive high school my CTE teachers are evaluated usaing the same observation tool as all other teachers. I am exctied to learn about a wide variety of observation models their pros and cons as well as how they can serve my teachers and students. 

I have learned that administrators, teachers, coaches, and students must all be commited to student success. A clear mission, vison, and communication are essential. 

I resonated with  the message that great teachers go beyond content knowledge. Great teachers understand  knowledge and pedagogy should be comnibed to conduct best practices. It is essential that coaches effectively communicate with teachers and model strong pedagogy. I support numerous CTE areas and plan to focus my coaching on pedagogy as I often do not have high levels of conten knowledge in all areas I support.

My disitict uses student centered coaching and this affirmed much of the work I am doing with our CTE teachers. I learned more about setting goals with teachers and putting the strategies in to practice. 

Feedback is essential and should be focused and expected. I plan to provide more specific feedback to teachers to help them set goals for their instruction. My district uses  student-centered coaching cycles and I plan to use my learning about feedback as a part of these cycles.  

Build strong relationships and positive classroom environments to engage learners in a safe space to learn. 

Create student jobs and leadership roles within the class and evaluate their work with a serparte grade. 

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