Margarita Levine

Margarita Levine

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It was important to know the peculiarities around admission process for individuals with disabilities, and when and how is appropriate to address disability to get accommodation.

It was interesting to know about the ULD and its principles. Also, that it is a philosophical construct and is not mandatory requirement.

Identity first- language is the most important aspect of this module, while keeping in mind that even some other terms are already outdated as the approach how we speak with and speak about, and name individuals with disabilities consistently being improved.

It was important to learn that according to law the institution does not guarantee an accommodation, but provides reasonable adjustments

I found it very challenging to guarantee confidentiality while teaching synchronously online, almost impossible. You have no control of the environments the students are in.

It was very important to learn what and how FERPA protects the release of information for alumni, deceased and students of different academic status.

I came to realization that each institution must have an employee manual on their hands assisting with matters related to a information release polices. Otherwise, it would be very difficult retain this information for continuous periods of time.

Evaluation of consent is a very valuable piece of this module. It would be great if the designers of the course could add some interactive activities to practice.

I found this Module is exceptionally difficult to process due to a very elitist language, very lengthy and wordy paragraphs.

Comment on Tricia Reichert's post: So much agree with you on the role of the TITLE IX coordinator as challenging! Partly, because of the way we train people. Also, because of the overwhelming obligations to guarantee confidentiality and the duty of keeping records. Difficult job.

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