Marie Moran

Marie Moran

About me



When I was teaching on Campus, I had a student with disabilites. Often times her mother would leave her on campus for several hours after classes ended. It seemed unusual.

When the student had to go to the restroom she asked for help. I was concerned about liability. I explained we were not trained in helping people with the physical disabilties she had and we had no one to assist her. 

What would you have done?


I feel the I've learned very much from this course. I'll take a closer look at types of communication within my classes. I want my students to feel my presence as much as possible and communicating the right way online is key.


I learned very good inforation regarding personality types. I plan to start aligning the way I teach with the individual personalities I have in class. I believe many of my students are introverts and will take that into consideration when reaching out to them.

Great course!

I have a few students who will only provide minimal information in discussions. Often times, when I try to stimulate a broader answer from them they will provide a yes or no short answer, or a one sentence answer. I feel these students are shy. How can I help my students overcome shyness?



I especially enjoyed reading design for all types of personalites. I can see many of the personalities in my class. I find many of the online students are introvert, only a few will show to be extroverts. Perhaps this is a promenant personality type for online students. 

This training will continue to help me throughout my teaching career as I will be more prepared to help students.


I'd try to focus on terms that the student was familiar with and also use images as much as possible. For example, an image of the colon with the word "colon" next to it should be easy to learn.



When I taught on campus students used a CD to practice medical terminology. I used a projecor to show what the questions were asking. Students were very engaged in this "game" and would shout out answers as they competed with each other. 

This exercise had a two fold effect, students learned medical terms AND also formed teams. 


I agree with your comments. With teaching repetition is key. This is why I feel the learning objectives, information provided to students as well as all the reading materials and exercises should be used to reinforce the knowledged required to score great on tests. 

Holding an MBC membership for students can provide opportunities by allowing students with a hands on approach to medical billing and coding. Unfortunately many students do not have funding for these memberships. Does anyone know of FREE memberships in which a student can participate, for example, in monthly meetings? 

I have some collegues who use Google Voice and seem to like it. I believe the benefit is not paying for a phone line, although I'm not 100% certain about that since I do not have Google Voice. I understand an 800 number is given so callers can call you. A personal phone number is not provided to students, only the 800 number. I may look into getting Google Voice for my work.


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