Wendy Maron

Wendy Maron

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I learned that engagement begins at specific points and that productive talk is speaking that leads to learning. I plan on designing lesson plans to include strategies tailored to multiple learning styles.


I learned about new technology tools and applications that can be used to collaborate online.


Module consistently is important and allows the students to easily locate all of their course information.

I learned that guidelines are essential for both methods and each should be investigated to determine which method works best. I plan on applying both methods of learning by establishing clear guidelines and a consistent pattern. Example: all weekly assignments will be posted on Monday with a due date of Friday to provide flexibility. A specific time will be designated on Tuesday's for those students who need real-time lesson delivery and detailed explanations; Video Chat will be recorded for student review.


I learned that all technology tools are essential to both the teaching and the learning process. I also learned that choosing the appropriate tool can increase engagement and enhance learning. I am going to incorporate using a Digital Portfolio Tool to provide students a different mode of displaying their work; as well as increase student engagement by encouraging creativity.


I learned that it is important to assess and reflect on the effectiveness of teaching tools in order to make sure that the tool is supporting both the teaching process and the student learning process.


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