Mary Sacilowski

Mary Sacilowski

About me


I am a baby boomer instructor. The newer generations have a well developed use of all the new technologies. The ability to multitask is not as good as some thing. The older generations have a well developed abilty to focus and complete tasks. This is a generalization, there are exceptions to this rule.

I teach a four hour block classroom and enjoy the set up. First off I need to be well rested and nourished. If I'm hungry I get cranky. The students are at many energy and preparation levels so a variety of tasks should be available for students to participate. A main lecture is first given. Then a variety of tasks vocabulary words, games videos and quizlets. If all the assignments are completed the students can study in the library this allows extra time for students that need it. Try using podcasts so the students can learn at their own pace… >>>

I have the students fill out flow charts on the board at the front of the classroom. There is a correlation with the students that can do this and those that can pass certification tests. It is easy to complete the charts using a book or lecture materials but real mastery comes with being put in the hot seat and displaying their knowledge.

This course if full of great reminders to have the classroom learning run smoothly. Highly recommended for the novice and veteran educators.

This course reinforced some practices I use and offered more options on new tatics to follow. I highly recommend this course to novice and veteran teachers.

The timing was perfect for this course. The students are very restless and all the tips and information will contribute to keep the class focused and on target.

This course is a great reminder of all the small steps needed to make a great teacher and class environment. I highly recommend this course to all veteran and novice teachers.

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There are many books available thru Amazon to help the instructors acheive their goals. Glad to find so many resources.

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I agree. Some of the new ideas will be easiy incorporated. I can see the different learning styles in many of my students. I look forward to the challenge of incorporating for all the learning styles. Next semester will be even better.


Index cards with pictures and colors made by the student helps the students retain the knowlege due to hands on participation. As opposed to store bought cards. The feedback from my students supports this.

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