John  Hamilton

John Hamilton

About me


I really like the idea of students natural ability to compete.  I also enjoy having fun in class so this is a technique I will definitely use. 

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I really like the idea of students natural ability to compete.  I also enjoy having fun in class so this is a technique I will definitely use. 

I never knew that gamification can be used in an online environment. I will start to use some of this theory in my class. 

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I never knew that gamification can be used in an online environment. I will start to use some of this theory in my class. 

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I have to agree, overloaded powerpoints are a nightmare for the student. It is best to limit the number of points in a slide and keep it to a minimum for the student. Also, I like to the leave the students a copy of the PowerPoint presentation. 

I never thought that technology and adaptive learning can go hand-and-hand. Students today are so much more technical savvy and require their higher learning institutions to provide technical resources that are interactive. 

I have not heard of personlized learning. Is there any references on this subject. 



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I have not heard of personlized learning. Is there any references on this subject. 



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I really like the idea of Facebook. Do you mind if I use this in my courses? 

I think that you must initiate a posting in the CMS to explain the technical standards at the onset of the course. You also must reiterate this in your introduction. 

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