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About me
ED106 was very informative. In fact, all the courses i have taken so far have made me feel like there is someone in the back of my classroom taking notes no who is in the class! It is nice to know that these student "types" are apparent in all classrooms and not just my own. Regarding students with Learning Disabilities, I feel that the knowledge gained in this course will allow me to be more sensitive to adult learners who take more time with content than I had anticipated. I look forward to applying concepts learned here to other areas… >>>
I loved this course- the HBS videos were informative, but not so long as to take away from the information being given. I can apply these concepts tonight to my class - I wish I had had them before my last class! I am amazed at the applicability - it makes me feel better knowing that other instructors are running into the same types of challenges (how to assign points- ho wmuch is too much, tests that bomb!) as I am, and that there are strategies in place to fix them! This is been very helpful.
I thought this course was eerily spot-on; as a new instructor I have already had encournters with most of the "difficult" students and the classroom management strategies were highly helpful for me and I intend to use them. I have already realized tht the syllabus needs to be iron-clad for due dates, otherwise the students take advantage of loop holes. Overall , the course was very organized and well put together.
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