Monica Beere

Monica Beere

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It's important for organizations to embrace change when it means growth for the company. Organizations that are afraid of change or feel comfortable with policies and procedures set in place for years run the risk of losing business to their competition who is oftentimes on top of the latest trends in the market.
I think it is also important to mention that as managers, we need to make sure we're not altering who we are to try and get buy in from employees. If we are trying to relate to a personality but aren't true to who we are- it can come off as being fake or phoney. One of the most effective ways I have learned to manage is to learn how to word things to employees so the point is conveyed clearly according to their personality.
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This was good information.
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Some of the best policies and procedures that we have implemented have come from examining what works, what doesn't work and the creatively coming to the best solution with how to proceed. Very informative!
I have found that instead of reacting immediately to a problem in order to resolve it, it is better to make sure you have all information to make the best decision possible. This can avoid additional mistakes in the process.
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While TV interviews can be stressful, it always helps to be well prepared.
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Hello, This was a good overview of nonverbal communication. An area that I have personally had to work to overcoming is hiding stress at work. During extreme times of stress I have found that I can give the impression that I'm too busy to be approached. As a manager, that can be very frustrating for employees. I have learned the importance of managing stress and continually being aware of how I am presenting myself so that stress isn't misperceived as stand off-ish. As I have become more aware of this, I have found it's easier to manage and have seen… >>>

Hello, I thought this was a good overview on how to speak with employees in a way that can motivate, encourage and help the indivdual to grow. What I have also found to be effective when speaking with individuals is to have them give their own critique on the situation first. I work in a phone-sales position and when I sit with employees to discuss a call, I will often ask how they felt it went before giving my feedback. I have found that almost always the individual is directly on point with areas of improvement and I act more… >>>

Hello, One of the biggest challenges our department faces is the abundance of meetings that we are asked to attend on a daily basis. With a department of 27, this was indeed a "conference" that was being held on a weekly basis and the meetings were often very long with standing room only. To help keep this problem to a minimum, we have department meetings only as needed and usually try to split the meetings up by team so there is an opportunity for everyone to speak if needed. We have found this to be much more effective due to… >>>

This was a great overview of presenting in front of a group. While I wouldn't choose death over giving a presentation, I would agree that it's not one of my favorite things to do. I think preparation has been one of the most effective steps I have taken and continue to take when having to give a presentation. If I know I am well prepared and know the material well, I may still be nervous but can often hide it a little bit easier.

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