Michelle Callaghan

Michelle Callaghan

About me


I loved this course content it has everything I needed to asses how good our tests are and wherethey may need some improvement. I realized how necessary thisinformation is and how useful it willbe going forward.The types of ttests and what yiu are assessing is key.

Michelle Callaghan


Ireally enjoyed tis module, it begins to build the strengths *& weaknesses each test has and what you are assesesoing. In my scope essay, lab aaplication & multiple choice were our only options, so I thought . there are manyto asssess and I am looking forward to reveiwing what changes we can make to our current testing cycles and assessments. Michelle Callaghan
Ilove theminute papers I instituted this last course & gave point for content and it really gives me a birds eye view where my students are. I assessment leads where we go day to day ats Instructors. How a student learns is key and basic knowledge for Instrcutors who want to e effective.
This is a technique I use all the time in class to engage students , I have tried training my staff on this technique. I found interesting feedback from staff that is it is easier to "Just lecture the material" My response but what aboutthe students assessmnet of what they learned, how will you know?" Silence. Some instructors are teaching old ways of doing thiongs and a passion for learning is a requirement. Retaining my staff again and see if we can getthose old ideas dropped in the garbage can. Michelle callaghan
Not an instructor around can be effective without taking this into consideration. Training teachers to lesson plan & review their plan is essential for assessments of any effective style. Most teacged s dobg know the ratio I f auditor y to visual to kinesthetic. Managers need a ways to motivate their teams to understand h ow important this is.
I have done instructors who lack passion& this exercise has brought this forward. I truly believe that passion is felt not taught & only a teacher can create this in the classroom . This is our opportunity to inspire, we have a moment everyday where we can tie the "why" into what we do. I can see differences in teachers who are animated & those who do this for a job & show up. Michelle Callaghan
Discussion Comment
I Love the the new ideas that keep the classroom fresh. I love the REFOCUS and the games that can be played. I will share this with my faculty at our next meeting tomorrow so they can also benefit from this.I will ask them to implement 1 gamne each week until they have expanded their ideas on their lesson plans. Michelle callaghan
Lots of ideas come from the interner to keep students motivated, especially adult learners. The u tube videos of teachers teaching from berkeley , stanford and many other top ranking colleges are helpful to see how passionate a teacher can be to engage students.
Adult learners are nervous in comparision to peers due to age. I see it in my classroom often. They feel they have been out of school to long & cant learn as quick, they need a lot of reinforcement and support to get over this learning curve. Once they do they feel accomplished and it builds their confidence. Michelle Callaghan

Great course, the activities to assess learning are great too! I enjoyed what I learned &plan on discussing a lot of this material with my faculty at monthly meetings because we all took different courses.

Michelle Callaghan

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