Noah McQueen

Noah McQueen

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It is important to not belabor introductions, set a time standard especially for large classes.


Prior planning prevents ......poor performance applies to teachers even more so than the students.


Focus on your specifc areas for professional development and never stop learning.

The key to developing a valuable assessment is to understand at the outset what you intend to measure from the students.


It is critical to pause and apply the appropriate CATs throughout the course to ensure that comprehension and deep understanding occur throughout instruction.


I plan to bring a tape recorder into the classroom for various sessions to hear myself respond during Q&A sessions to ensure that my tone remains neutral or encouraging.


The biggest takeaway for me was the realization that at any given point my instruction is only truly effective for about half of the students. This point makes me realize that I'll have to provide a variety of instruction within each lesson to maximize their learning.


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