The greatest obstacle to effective remote learning, as per this section, is distraction. Obviously, this particular course was created to address concerns during the COVID pandemic. However, what I (and most teachers that I work with) learned from remote learning during COVID, is that it is largely ineffective. I disagree entirely with the assertion that this is the education of the future. Rather, this is another example of industry selling technology for the sake of technology, and getting fat off of taxpayers dime, regardless of indicators of significantly lower performance and retention during remote learning.
Being aware of how we deal with all students regardless of identification is important, but with the knowledge of significantly greater populations of LGBTQIA+ making attempts on their life directs us to be even more diligent when supporting students who identify in such a way.
How we respond when faced with a student having suicidal thoughts may be the difference between that student attempting to take their own life or not.
Being aware of student behavior, creating rapport, and actively participating when concerns become evident is critical to providing a useful service to students experiencing suicidal thoughts. Be empathic, non-judgemental, and calm in attempts to help the student.
Suicide is a growing problem amongst teens, it is important that we remain alert to the signs/symptoms of suicidal ideation which often result in suicide.
Times of great change have provided excellent insight into the additional benefits of PLCs during those times. While adapting to online learning environments (2020-2021) many found these communities essential to becoming comfortable maneuvering new tech, standards, and expectations. Having strong PLCs established and working productively before the next inevitable big change will help to ease whatever transition that we are faced with.
Developing strong and effective PLCs relies upon utilizing the strengths and passions of those within the community. That is, some teachers have a greater passion for data informed content than others. We should utilize these strengths and passions in selecting leaders for critical segments of productive PLC goal meeting.
PLCs are all about team building and establishing community standards
being unaware of/insensitive to sociocultural differentiation within your student population is an excellent way to reach very few kiddos.
The major takeaway from this section is that education may never catch up to the real-time pace of the workplace. This means that we should focus on teaching our students how to adapt to whatever they may face when they enter the job market.
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