Marie Downey

Marie Downey

About me


Well stated. I feel that sometimes we think that our opinion, idea or vision is so good we put it all out there before we give someone an opportunity to give us a valuable pearl of wisdom. Then the moment is lost without us realizing it. Students are so vulnerable to not sharing their thoughts that we can stunt their growth by doing all the talking for them. If we guide them to where they need to go with questions and listening we may have a much better impact in shaping them for their profession and personal lives.

Discussion Comment
I really liked the diagram and intervention cycle. I do this process with my students naturally, but it is great to see why it is effective. I have had plenty of times with student that were stuck and had difficulty reasoning out alternative to current life circumstances. How have you handled it?
Discussion Comment

The same thing that effects new student also effect new hires within the career filed. We call GAS reality shock in the nursing field. Most grads burn out the first year. We build in our curriculum achievable milemarkers to encourage the students to continue to work hard and learn. We also discuss reality shock, as a normal process to growing and learning and coping strategies to manage it; such as, our new students are taught skill by our mature students in our program (since they can enter anywhere in the wheel). The mentoring helps the new students develop comaradarie. What… >>>

This module was very helpful in defining emotional intellegence and intelligent hearts. I also appreciated how it identifies how each of us make an  impact on student retention. I printed several pages from this module to inservice my instructors and encorporate activities to assist our students to set goals to overcome any HABEs they may bring with them.

I have enjoyed education for over 5 years now. These classes have wonderful morsels of information that really enrich my teaching abilities. I am proficient in my skills and I am developing my expertise with nursing education. I love learning, and I especially love inspiring students to excel. It does take a lot of energy to motivate my students to as excited about developing theirĀ future career and not just see Patient Care Technician class as just another course to get a job to make ends meet. Core courses sometimes can be understated, downplayed. I see it as a foundation that… >>>

I love my faculty because I see many of the elements in their practice. We all have areas to grow in but they have been so open and receptive to me, and I really appreciate their hard work (I tell them that all the time). It is hard to dance the fine line of appreciation and correction for me. I am new to being a director, but I do feel that it is very important to build them up a lot before you make any recommendations for change so they do not feel threatened.

A bullet I would add is… >>>

I felt that this course filled some gaps in my teaching strategies that will make me a more productive program director and instructor. I love continuous learning. It is nice to refine our practice.

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