About me
About me
I truly felt that this course was executed well for an online enviornment. However, I would have enjoyed taking this course in the classroom. Altough I feel as though I handle stress fairly well. I wanted to learn other ways to de-stress and communicate my stress without projecting onto others. Like I said, the course was good buit it lacked the emotional connection that I would have desired.
Personally I remind myself that there are things I cannot change or have control over. These things I try not to allow them to overcome me. I roll with the punches as… >>>
Unfortunately I did not gain much knowledge through this course. I understand that students needs to improve their soft skills, critical thinking skills and computer literacy but I was hoping to gain some stratigies to do so in the classroom. What can any Instructor do no matter the course, technical or lecture based, that can help us teach students theses skills? We currently have a Career Development class which students take in their first term but this course is being eliminated. How do we incorporate the important message or information in our other courses so that we can ensure better… >>>
I am shocked about how much I liked this training module. This one is my absolute favorite and is going to benefit me greatly in my position as a professional - Thank you!
The information in this course was informative. However, I do not learn well online. I am a classroom learner!
I love teaching and especially my course which is Sociology. The course content will be the same but each class is different and shares different examples as well as perspectives. It is easy to teach the same thing, using the same activities, supplements, etc. For me I change something about my class each term. This term, I completely changed it from the last. I am just like the students, I get bored too. When I am no longer excited about the material and keeping it fresh, I will stop teaching. No one wants an unmotivated and lazy student, same applies… >>>
I provide my students with a studyguide prior to the exam so that they can study efficiently. Some instructor may think that there is no reason to test students even you are giving them the information for the exam, prior to the exam. I am still assessing their knowledge of the material. I may tell them for example, how sociologists define gender socialization. However on the exam, the question is a case study that they must label as such. They also have essay questions that they must complete in written format. This also assesses their understanding of the course content… >>>
I teach Socioloy, which is very discussion based. Students enjoy sharing their opinions. However there are students who do not like to participate for fear that they will be judged or labeled when they express your thoughts or opinion. After some information, fact or statistic is presented, I use a polling question as a discussion spring board. Once those who are more comfortable participate, I ask for a show of hands on who would choose A B C or D as their answer. I then ask one of the quiet students to tell me why they chose that as their… >>>
I think its easy to hit the different learning styles in the course I teach which is Sociology. I agree with the statement that learning styles affects how a person learns, acts in group settings,participates in classroom discussions, solves problems. Therefore, I utilize powerpoint, refer to case studies in the book, show a videos that relate to various topics within the chapter, and use group activities & exercises. Its how we perceive, gather and process information. Everyone has different ways of learning. Knowing what your students learning styles are will make learning easier therefore making it more enjoyable for them… >>>
Above all, students need to be treated w/ respect. Empowering students to make an informed decision should be the practice for all professionals when working w/ student in Higher Education. Students are to always be encouraged to make their own decisions whether or not we the professional agrees with that decision. We can certainly advise them in what is in their best interest. However the decision needs to be their own and we should not be pressuring them. After all they are adults and will be making critical decisions in the professional experiences. We need to teach stduents independence and… >>>
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