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I hav eproblems remembering new studentrs names. IU today called on oine of my studnetrs to reasd the power point and called her somethings that was not her name. I said, I am sorry; she laughed and so did I.

ZI learned that you do not want to get in an argument with the on site visitor, answer the question to the best of your ability, take notes and ask uestion if you did not hear or understand something.

In this section I learned that employee files are the ones that are mostly not up to date. It makes me want to check my employee file to make sure that I have everything in there that is needed. Also, there should be one person who knows where all of the documents are located, so they are easily gathered up.

I was surprised that the agency might ask the institution to pay for lunch. However,  it did state that not all agencies will ask for lunch to be paid for, but some do. Ilso learned that the campus director or point of contact person must be well spoken and have a good understanding of the policies and procudres for everything thaqt goes on on that campous. He/or she must be clam ,cool, and collective.


I have learned that all institutions should be ready and well prepaired for an onsite visit, by having the staff fully trained. I also learned that the receptionist should greet the visitors with a smile and contact the campus director via text, email, or a call. I will appy this in my everyday work habits to  make sure that i stay abreast of all visits and making sure thatI know where everything is located.


WHAT I have learned in this module is to let the angry stuent vent, get it out and I just listen and take notes, however it it gets to disrespectful, I can remove myself away from the situation. I also like the idae of setting clear expectation and housekeeping rule on the first day of class, and have everybody read and inital it.

I have a few students in my class who sit in the back of the class in a group and talk and are on the cell phones, so I decided to change  the seating arrangments. I broke up the group  and placed each of them in a different row. I think I like the idea of having the student listen to my lecture and give them 1 min to write down the key points. I usually give a pop quiz the next day on the topic of the lecture.

I have learned that having a nice introduction with the students acts as an ice breaker. I like to use ice breakers in my class too. I have each new student stand up and say thier name and tell why they want to become a Medical Assistant. I have also learned that it is a good idea to read the syllabus out loud , tell the student what my expectation are and what we be doing this my class.

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