michaela yabroff

michaela yabroff

About me


I believe timing is everything. By having instructors being aware of student attendance and academic progress, attrition can be avoided. An intervention can be put in place to help the student be less stressed. If attendance is the issue we need to find the unlying cause. The answer may be as simple as arranging carpooling for the student. When it is noticed early tutoring can be arranged to help the student get organized with class and be taught study tips. A lot of the time these inventions is all it takes to help the student feel less stressed or overwhlemed.… >>>

Our Placement departmen does an awesome job with the placing of students on their externship and helping them find jobs. I would like to see more integration of this progress throughout the program. We put the emphasis on this during the Senior phase. I think after the suggestions and ideas shown in this topic, I would like to see more used at our institution.

Our employers take the majority of our students for an externship. This gives both the employer and student an opportunity to see if they would be a good fit. The majority of our students do get… >>>

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Getting to know our students is very important. We are a small college and our Admissions director does a good job placing student in the programs that they will succeed in. My instructors make an effort to know what is happening with the students. When they see a student struggling academically, they encourage the student to seek tutoring. I have had some instructors even bring the student to me so the student is introduced and the problem can be addressed. Our instructors take a personal interest in the students and when a student is absent call the student to see… >>>

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I have observed through the years that students whose parents have pushed them into this decision and haven't decided this on their own do poorly in school. I work for a vocational college and too many parents feel that their child needs some kind of education. At lot parents encourage their child to attend a vocational college but don't allow the student to have input in this decision. The student has to be committed to be succesful. The program is hard enough with the committment.

Our Admission Director has an on going relationship with all our students. We are a small college and faculity reports concerns and issues immediately.  As a result of the this retention especially with academics and attendance is addressed quickly. Tutoring is free at our college and students are reminded that it is available. We arrange car pooling for our students when needed.

We also use rewards and certificates for honor and merit roll. We are a clock hour school so perfect attendance is recognized every four weeks. The students look forward to receive these recognitions. We have community resources come… >>>

To provide good customer service active listening from everyone on the faculty is involved. The student must feel that the faculty is concerned about them and their needs. If we as faculty actively listen then we may be able to come up with a solution to the help the student. Student success is our top priority. It is everyones responsibility to provide customer service. Not just the instructor. We need to support our students in all aspects of the program.

I always tell the student the the institution you are transferring too will decide if they accept our credits or not.


I agree. The focus must be on the student rather than the focus on the school.



My biggest challenge is with students who are LD with ADHD. Keeping these students focused on the material and not disruptive in the classroom has been difficult. I am in a vocation school with professionals training professionals. We have not had formal training as teachers. We are getting creative to keep these students on task. One of the biggest things we found out that works for us is to put the students in smaller hands on classroom classes. If the student can be kept engaged with the task on hand the outcome is better.

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