About me
About me
No one really enjoys going to a classroom where information is pushed at them in such a manner that makes them fall asleep. When students want to come to class and are enthusiastic, they ask questions, the participate, everyone progresses and before you know it, class time is over and they are chomping at the bit to come to the next class.
I like using a check on learning so they keep the information that is important and relevant. Ask about the material they learned from the previous class meeting.
Does anyone else use this type of approach?… >>>
The biggest issues we will face with the newest generation is their desire to be controversial, to protest, to be indignant. Years ago, when I was taking actual "in class" college classes, we were able to use our experiences and knwoledge to help the younger students. They looked at us as "ma'am and sir". Now they look at us as "old-has-been with antiquated thoughts" type of people and will have to learn from their failures.
I wish it was as easy as "hey classmate, I've been in the workforce for 15 years now and can tell you that this… >>>
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