Milagros velasco

Milagros velasco

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what is the best kind of rubric to use when checking a paragraph, Holistic or  Generic?

It  is a grading rubric for a power point presentation. 

It is  difficult to check an essay or a paragraph without a rubric; in the rubric you can post what you want  the students to have in their works ;if you want them to write 10 compound sentences it is what you are going to grade and value, the rubric is a guide and reflects the weaknesses and strengths of a finished product.  

The course has been beneficial and exciting for me. I teach writing, and a Rubric is the best tool to guide my students through the process of learning. Designing a rubric takes time, but it is the best tool to get the desired outcome. The rubric highlights the knowledge and behavior I want my students to develop. 

It is  a paragraph writing rubric.

The course has been beneficial and exciting for me. I teach writing, and a Rubric is the best tool to guide my students through the process of learning.

I remember the beginning of the smart boards; I used to work in adult education teaching ESOL, and I did not want to be in a classroom that did not have it, I found the class boring. 

What is the best website that has editable rubrics? 

I like the idea, it is an execllent way of interacting  in a real life situation in an informal way which allow students to freely express and post what they consider relevant or important about the topic.

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