I appreciate the resources offered here. I will try to share this information with my colleagues to see what may or may not apply. We try to be sensitive to what's appropriate and try to follow the laws but will read further on the links shared here.
I didn't realize all of the background information entailed in disclosures for instance. I wonder if there is a way to get the content of this course in writing so I can share with my colleagues. I did copy some of the content into a Google Doc to share later. I did see a discrepancy on only one page. The knowledge byte about transferring credit didn't seem to match the text below it--it seemed to say something different, fyi.
Lots of information here, some of which seemed obvious but some is new to me. I didn't know about the Ability to Benefit and will ask if that applies to our school. Thanks.
It clarified about the differences between Federal Education regulation and regulation by State and Accrediting agencies for me.
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