Amjad Majeed

Amjad Majeed

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Yes Diane, the instructor has to clearly set the expectations from day one. However there are instructors who do not follow this guidline. Then to expect that all staff in admissions, and other departments will similarly hold the students accountable and responsible!

I am accountable only for my actions and I will set the bar high. Many students do respond and apply themselves, and some are just not motivated.

I wish that higher education institutions would not have to deal with remedially inclined student populations. The building blocks of student success are laid down in middle school. Catch them early!

Every time I start a class I see many students who are not engaged and participating. There must be a better way to get students involved in their own learning, and it is now time to use computer technology and artificial intelligence.

 I wish our insttution would adopt adaptive learning.

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@rmenke. I make and build my own PowerPoint presentations for each chapter. This gives me flexibilty and control over the material that students need to understand.

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ED-206 taught me that the laboratory is the place where students can do things and think about things that they are doing.

I am going to reiterate to the students that the laboratory is where they can take an abstract concept learnt in the classroom and apply it in the ultrasound lab. They can also verify that what the anatomy book says can be identified when they are scanning each other

 intend to add a written exam with essay questions to assess factual knowledge and problem solving

i picked up some methods that i can use in the Lab. I am going to give the students a list of the required competencies for the entire Module on the first day. The students will know what is expected from them in the lab

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i teach ultrasound courses and students' clinical and lab assessments are all competency based evaluations. it helps me to assess the students cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skills. This course affirmed that I am doing instruction in the lab is based on solid foundations

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ED-26 gave me insight on the pros and cons on competency based education. I am for it because it is workplace oriented. I teach ultrasound scanning in the lab and students need to attain a certain level of competency and skill

@rsawitskas : yes, the "system". critical thinking has to start in middle school. By the time the person gets into a vaocationa school, it may be too late to rectify the lack of learning skills. This is the reality and we have to live with it.

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