Mary Jo Gore

Mary Jo GoreCHEP

About me


I try to use the white board more often than Powerpoint and I do get students coming back to me saying thank you because they are tired of powerpoint for every class they have.  I find they tend to take notes better and therefore retaining information more.

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I agree with Bruce Whitmore wherein the level of difficulty should be the same.  It really depends on the reason for the absence.  Was it an unavoidable absence or was it a choice?  And the points deducted will depend on wether it is excused or not.

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I also find that age contributes a lot to the way a student views discipline. My younger students still don't realize the value of discipline because they have yet to discover how it affects lives in a positive manner as opposed to the older students who already know.
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Almost always I accept criticism in a positive manner only if I am made aware of my mistakes and I am told in a manner that is respectful. I do take criticism negatively if I hear about it in a round about way or if I know it has no basis. I accept it when I hear of ways to improve myself as long as it is sincere and not malicious.
Being in the culinary field, we thrive on positive reinforcement. It drives us and motivates us to do more and do better work. We want to hear the "aahs" and "oohs". So, when I talk to students about their work I always encourage them by telling them the good and how to improve on the not so good. They listen and want to improve.
I teach in a culinary school, I supervise and discuss with my students as they are working and at the end of the day we discuss the successes and failures of the day. We discuss why it was a success and how to improve the failures.
I let my students know that it is alright to fail(in the practical side). They are students, therefore they are learning and not experts at it already. I tell them that my expectation is that they take that experience and learn from it. Hopefully, the experience will give them confidence. I also encourage them to practice to give them confidence and they must trust themselves.
just like a majority of people... I feel like I am constantly running after time both personally and at work. Also, changes in the structure of work hours and work pay is causing me a lot of stress lately.
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If time permits, I always like to finish my class with a quick recap. We discuss how the day went, what went right, what went wrong and how they could improve their skills. I also like to do an overview on what to expect the next day so students can go home and prepare for what is about to come.
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I went on my very first field trip with my students just last week. It was positive as it broke the monotony of the classroom setting and also brought back some passion. It almost reset them and refocused on the main reason they are in school.

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