Mike Kohan

Mike Kohan

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Blog Comment

I enjoyed the tutorial on technology and it's growing place in education today.

I liked the course and found it challenging. It offered great teaching ideas that are innovative. I like the idea of teaching with simulation such as using board games to engage the students and make learning fun.  It also made me aware of the importance of classroom environment and how simply reaarring a classroom can impact learning.

I also appreciate the information on memory enhancers and retention. I will focus on highlighting material at the start and end of class and more importantly, take time to debrief after lecture sessions to assess learning.

I learned several useful skills and will implement them in my courses. I teach primarily math classes and found the section on learning disabilities very useful.

Discussion Comment
Consistency in grading is important to a successful student experience. Students need to know what is expected of them to earn standard grades, makeup work and extra credit. How can we as teachers self-evaluate on these and hold ourselves to the highest standards?
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Using alternate activities to keep students attention when they become unfocused is ideal but ideally we use our most interesting material upfront, so what are some new exciting ideas for activities that can help? Thanks.
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Using the power points are new to me so any success stories or examples of classroom use would be appreciated.
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Beyond the standard be organized and prepared with content, materials, trips etc, which are expected of each teacher, what are some meaningful ways to show students you are excited and prepared?
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Enthusiasm is the learning environment is key to successful teaching. Passing through to the students your excitement for the content and subject matter draws students in and keeps them attentive on learning and achieving.
As a 20 yr sports coach I've never had any issues energizing a team, but students can present a different challenge when trying to keep the curriculum fresh and exciting for students. Some ways I use on the court/field that help are connecting with personal interests and motivations which supports a renewed sense of interest in students.
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Student retention is a different concern for the more passive student learners vs active adult learners. We as teachers need to engage with adult learners on both peer and respect levels for successful retention. This can be done through personal connections and clear, fair policies.

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