Michael Carr

Michael Carr

About me

I have been in the for-profit industry since 2005.  Most of my time was spent with ITT Technical Insitute and worked my way up to Dean of Academic Affairs.  My passion is dealing with students and helping them succeed.


My greatest learning from the financial acumen segment of the program…


How I will apply this learning at my campus….



The ability to understand more concisely the impact of a start/drop is to the campus.


This will be developed into a training session with the Program Directors on the impact of a drop to their programs (e.g. equipment implications and/or starting a new co-hort).

My greatest learning from the strategic thinking segment of the program…


How I will apply this learning at my campus….




My biggest take away from the strategic thinking… >>>

This was a great refresher for me.  A ton of new information to review and now can apply to the DOE position with Delta Career Education Corp.

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