Marnie Lourenco

Marnie Lourenco

About me


I agree with Kiona.  While I try to use entertaining anecdotes to help students connect the material to real-life, I focus on the course material at all times.  I vary teaching methods so my students are not bored by a continuous, monotonous lecture, but I don't bring in props or play games.  I think sometimes the students may become more comfortable with the entertainment factors and lose track of the education value when they move from class to class, similar to a child who will not complete a chore without an immediate payment.  Has anyone had to make changes because… >>>

Has anyone tried the "observer" method for this type of student? While I understand the concept behind it, it seems fairly juvenille, and I was wondering if it has worked with adult students. It seems similar to playing "the quiet game" with younger students where the first one to talk without being called-on loses. Usually, the Center Stage students that I have had want to speak (for a variety of reasons), and I don't see that desire disappearing because they have been assigned a job to summarize the lesson. I'd love to hear how other instructors have used this method.

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