I have found that technology can be a great ally in achieving and maintaining engagement in class. But I also find it a disctraction when it comes to e-learning. In my past online experience I had students who have told me that they spend 75% on social media than in their school courses. Technology has helped many people succeed but has also been an enormous distraction for most of the students.
I do agree with you that it is difficult to engage stduents when they are used to having an instructor lecture physically in class room but now with technology there are many resources we can use to engage students like for example uploading videos, post funny images pertaining to the subject, creating a chat room, or group projects. I think the most appropriate way to engage online students is motivation.
Reply to Jennifer Adkins's post: Mrs. Adkins you are correct us instructors have to teach students to motivate themselves when they do not have that support from their family, I think that if we share our past career experiences help students to motivate themselves and succeed. We are the number one example for students to succeed.
I think one of the main factors a student drops school is not having the family support. Students need alot of motivation through the program of study and if they do not obtain it from their family, they will more likely withdraw their program of study.
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