Erin Molloy

Erin Molloy

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The Enrollment specialist is supposed to draw out there motivation on why the want to go to school and what is drawing the perspective student in. Then, they must present the program for the perspective student in such a way that helps the student and guides them to sucess but also explaining the benefits of the program.

Active listening is something that is very important when communicating with a perspective student. Listening to what the student needs are will allow for the Enrollment specliast to get everything that they need,


So, what I have learned about this topic is being able to 1. listen effectively 2. Respond approaitley 3. Ready Body Language 4. Ask questions 5. Seek common ground.


The main concept that I took away from this course was having the ability to listen and make sure that I hear everything the student is saying. I need to effectively listen because I need to know what program the student is thinking about enrolling. 


I will apply this through effective listening. Effective listening allows the counselor to do there job effectively. This allows the admissions counselor to to be helpful when guiding the student to make the right decesions.


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