Mark Roberts

Mark Roberts

About me


This may sound off to some, "Easy Student Retension", but if you think about it, really think about it, it should be easy. We have students sign up for classes that we teach. I have work in my profession many , many years and I still love what I do. Now I teach it and have been for 7+ years, so I'm a new teacher to many. I bring excitement, honesty, and field experience, to the playing field. We all have had some poor curiclum to work with, it is presentation skills, and relating it to the field the students… >>>

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The hardest part to figure out in a 3 week session is a student's needs. Not only do you have to figure out what learning style they have, or what learning or other disabilities they may have, or what past experiance they may have that pertains to the course of study. Now we put in there a student's needs, this can be the pass or failure of this student in the course or possibly their future. If we as teachers can not find out what each and everyone of our students needs are, then we can't do our job to… >>>

We all have stress, how we deal with it is what this is all about. I agree with these methods as I have used many to help in my reduction of stress. I also have the type of personality that I let alot of stress roll off my back, that in which we can deal with and control you must face. That in which we have little to no control we still have to face but need to as stated in our lesson "prioritize" where they belong in our life or even if they belong in our life. The point… >>>

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We as instructors need to reduce our stress by letting some things just roll off our back. Don't let the little things make you crazy. Remember there are some things we can control and some we can't. For those that we can't control don't take it to heart so much, find a way to make it work the best you can and be ok with that. If we put too much on our self we will go crazy and loose contol of that which is in our control. Our thoughts,knowledge,patience and experiences. We teach, our students learn, so don't sweat… >>>

We have been using EGB's (Electronic grades books) for some time now, and I can not give it enough credit for helping with the grading process. We also have lots of other items included in our grade book that helps us day to day. I would only wish all could bennifit from this resource. I have not seen nor tried the online test sites, for not only making test's but electronic test's and grading. I'm excited toi look at these sites and see if they would fit in to our program.

To be in the carreer school enviroment time management should be a personal priority. We have to be able to organize ourselves, our labs and our students if we expect them to do the same. At my school we are always talking about shop management, and time management. The student needs to priortize projects to be completed in a certain amount of time, and the given part of the formula is the amount of time they have for the day in an active lab enviroment. We as instructors need to guide them to help them learn how to do this,… >>>

In order to delegate responsibilities to others you must first understand what it is you want or need to have accomplished. Finding the right person or team to perform the task, and to have some set guidelines, for follow ups. Keeping in touch is very valuable to you and the team combined. This shows you team your trust and interest in the project, and it in case direction is needed you can assist.
In being a leader, it takes effort not to lead your team around, but to allow them the help lead the team. Teams will take the leadership role if you give them the resources to do so, the "Pat on the back" when things are done well, and direction when things bottle up.
I have been given the oportunity to become head of my department. The biggest trouble is not the running of the department but in trying to let go of the hands on jobs. I could and have delegated some responsibilities to others, but some can't handle what needs to be done, so in I jump. What's the best approach to getting these individuals to perform?
In being a leader, it takes effort not to lead your team around, but to allow them the help lead the team. Teams will take the leadership role if you give them the resources to do so, the "Pat on the back" when things are done well, and direction when things bottle up.

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