Mark Roberts

Mark Roberts

About me


A true leader is one that accepts all input no matter what that may be, he must sort the information and deligate what direction or directions to go. If you use the input given and the the possibilities of what direction to go, the team will feel like what they say matters in the decision making and this builds team confidance, in themselfs as a group and in you as their leader.
Not only id it important to know types of personalities, but how to arrange these personalities to get the best result's needed. In a learning enviroment we need to arrange these student in a way to best accomodate their learning experance. Place the wrong types together and nobody will get what they need from the course, but to place the complementing types together, one can help the other.
In trying not to be a common teacher if think you can side step some common mistakes. Think outside of the box, try ,if possible to sit in on a course prior to teaching it, see it how the students see it. Have interaction with students, have them help in the curriculum, instead of being taught to. Always get before, during and ending thoughts from your class to see how a course progresses, this is key to making adjustments, to help you help your students.

I feel that to disarm any possible problem or angry or silent students the best way is to involve every one from day one. Set the guidelines, objectives, policies, procedures and what ever else needs to be covered in your particular class, then ask for input on their opions. This usually gets them thinking with little or no response. Then half way into the course I ask them again to what thier ideas, feeling and thoughts are on the curriculum at this stage of the course. I get alot of input even from the silent students. I ask what can… >>>

You can take a class of any size and the students will fall into one type of group or another. You may have a couple that are center stage students, a few may have low attention spans, a couple could be ready to give up, or the excuse givers. All this, is what it is, and has been for as long as we have been teaching students. We as facilitators, teachers, motivators, role models need to bring all students together regardless of the class situation. It is up to us to set the bar , raise the standards, and get… >>>

Getting the students envolved early is key to grabbing thier attention, stirring up excitement in the course, and wanting to learn. Work in small segments, get their hands on material and components of the class projects and let them see, feel, and participate in activeities that they will be doing while in class. These interactive demostrations act a practice time that opens up lines of communications and questions that the whole class can participate in. This increases the excitement felt towards the course and its content.

Goals are something that everybody needs to set, not only in the business world but in life. With out goals we loose faith, we get depressed, we set life to the side. Once you have set your goals, made your plans, you now need to strive for them no matter who is trying to stop you with their negativity.Students can be turned around if they see you, hear you and watch you reach for your goals, this is motivation for even the most negative of people. Don't wait for 11 others to come to help you, change 11 people to… >>>

First impressions need to be great impressions, this sets the guidlines and attitude for the whole course. Don't be affraid to be a bit crazy, forward, outlandish, wild, or happy. When the students see this they follow suite and really open up. I used to be hard core to the point of militant, now I sing, dance, ask questions they may not know but soon will know the answers to, and I do this as they come into class the first day. Once I got thier attention we cover the basics and they alltypically know the answers and they are… >>>

This module makes sense to me as far as , seeing and or creating a vision, being aware of and seeing blind spots, and providing great customer service.The hardest part of being an instructor is HABE's, Habits, Attitude, Beliefs, and Expectations. These are deeply rooted and weave there way through out the whole fabric of an individule. Very often I run into this situation of students being very negative in their approach to their education. This is very hard to turn around and most instructors will usually turn their backs on that student. I see it a a chance, a… >>>

I have to admit that attention=retension really works, this with the 3M's is a very important part of us, as instructors have to help our students suceed in not only school but in their future professional life. I have change my styles of teaching to try to find ways to get through to the students, and help with them learning the material for more than a matter of a few weeks. I have gone from being extreamly bounded by the rules, to a more light hearted way of helping using more understanding of how things are from their point of… >>>

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