Muniece Bruton

Muniece Bruton

About me


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I could not agree with you more Ms. Kamekona. When we orperate with full transperency and do the right thing we are execising our CORE values to the fullest.

Retention in higher education, whether it be an ivy league well known school or a for-profit small neighborhood school is a valid concern for every provost involved and needs to be understood to keep enrollment steady.  The overall college experience is more of a collaborative experience between staff, student and faculty.  Monitoring students at risk of academic decline and interventions help foster a sense of partnership and commitment.  


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One of the reasons we like to foster a culture of transparency is to promote trust between our students and staff. If we are abiding by the rules and regulations that we outline in our catalog and Mission Statement then we do not have to hide behind subterfuge and trickery. We can honestly present ourselves as who we are
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As an employee committed to the Mission and Values statement that we promise our students, I believe it is essential that they trust that I will always operate out of integrity and trust. Concorde is not just any college but a college dedicated to the allied health field which means my students are going to have the ability to dramatically impact someone’s life. It is essential that we prepare our committed students for the rewarding medical careers they are seeking. We owe it to the students and the community.

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