Mischelle Moyer

Mischelle Moyer

Location: mccann school of business and technology (a delta career education corporation school) carlisle, pa

About me

My name is Mischelle and I was recently promoted to the Director of Career Services at McCann Carlisle. I am not new to Delta, I began three years ago as a fulltime English/GenEd instructor, had a very successful run as the Online Learning Coordinator, and am excited for this new challenge. So far, I am settling in nicely; however, there is a lot of work and learning ahead of me, which I welcome as well. I am truly looking forward to this experience and any and all expertise and guidance is much appreciated.


higher education, leadership, student empowerment, employer relations


student/instructor relationships, faculty training, employer relations, communications (oral & written), team communication


Dr. Carlson, Thank you for you candor; it honestly put things in perspective for me. You are dead on when you say without health there is no future. Before reading your reply, I actually did take some postive actions this morning toward regaining my overall well being, and I am feeling pretty good about it. Thanks again, Mischelle

What has really been stressful for me is that I had a surgery over four months ago. One would categorize me as a workaholic, by choice not by pressure from above. I truly love my job, and am actively seeking advancement. I knew the surgery would slow me down a bit; however, I have experienced some unforeseen complications. Physically I am not well, which is stressful in and of itself, but not being able to perform up to par by my own standards has created a whole other type of stress. I am still completing all required tasks and have… >>>

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