Martin Zuniga

Martin Zuniga

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The answer to this question very much depends on the students you are trying to teach. If the students are interested and engaging, then I feel joy in teaching these students. On the other hand, if the students are not interested in the subject matter at hand, then I feel challenged to try to engage them. And if it's a Monday morning where everyone seems to have the case of the Monday's, we all seem to feel frustrated. Teaching does have it's ups and downs from day to day and it's perfectly normal to have the way you feel change… >>>

Golden Rule: Treat others the way you would like to be treated yourself. Silver Rule: Don't treat others the way you do not want to be treated. After finishing this course, People skills, Soft skill and EQ., I find myself thinking this all releates to the Golden Rule. When I talk, I want you to listen, therefore I listen to you. When I make a mistake I want you to help me correct it as I would help you.(constructive feedback)When I don't feel like doing it I want you to push me along as I would push you.(Motivating others)The list… >>>

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Keeping it simple is a natural way to streamline or organize things. The tools presented in this module are wonderful ways to simplify one’s life. The more efficient one can perform a task, the more time and less stress you will have. With more time and less stress, we can become better instructors for our students.
Dogs live in the present and seem to be happy animals. Making a "to do list" and looking at that long list seems very depressing to me. Of course preparing for classes is very important and a certain amount of time managment is neccessary, however after several years of doing it, it has become rote. My life experience has shown me that most of life's stresses are self-imposed with nonexsitent urgency.

One of my personal techniques that I use in the class room is what I call the "No Fear Rule" This rule is simply this, I tell the students on the first day "Do not be afraid to learn" What this means is that if there is anything in my presentations to the class that they do not understand, ASK! If I find out you did not know something and did not ask, I will remind you "Do not be afraid to learn" Of course through expierence I know what they don't know, and I will wait for a question… >>>

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