About me


When using technology tools in the course, there are several things to consider. First and most importantly would be to consider the audience/student. You shouldn't expect a group of students who are not familiar with advanced technology to be able to use advanced technology tools. Secondly, we should discern which tools are most appropriate for the objective we are trying to achieve. We would not expect a student to use power point in a class that only uses essay writing. Lastly, it is important to determine the ease of access to these tools for all involved.
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When giving assignment feedback, I first praise the student for something she did right/well. Then, I direct her to where she went wrong. In addition, I provide guidance on where she can find resources within the course room to help her learn from her mistakes.
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The one thing that I constantly try to drive home with my students is that they should never be afraid to reach out to me with questions. I have found that in the online environment, students are far less likely to ask questions. They would rather just take the chance and submit an assignment or test even though they did not fully understand the material. My welcome video lets them know that I am here for them, I was an online student myself at one time, and that communication is key.
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I have not yet authored my own online course, but from experience in teaching online I know that there are several things that will be important. First is making sure the course room is user friendly. Students should be able to locate what is expected of them, as well as the learning materials very easily. Secondly, I like to make sure that my courses are not only online information, but that they *teach*. I do this by creating documents and videos as scaffolding tools to assist my students with the assessments. Lastly, communication is important. My contact information is located… >>>

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