Nestor Urrutia

Nestor Urrutia

About me


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I happen to share one student with other instructors in other courses. I would hear stories from my fellow instructors about violent outbursts coming from this one student, but it was hard for me to believe this because the student never presented signs of this behavior in my class. From now on I will pay more attention to my fellow instructors comments/concerns and keep a closer eye on the most subtle hints that could lead to a violent incident in my class.
When laser pointed peer pressure is applied to unfocused, unprepared, etc. students; the unpleasant/dirty work for the most part is not done by your hands, but by their own peers. Works great!
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I instill in my student's brains that the classroom is like a training ring. The more we sweat together during training the less blood will be spilled in the battlefield of the labor force, so stay focus on the classroom objectives/goals because one day it might just save your work life.
I really enjoy this exercise because it employs everyone's attention regardless of which type of learner one is.
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This cross word puzzles can be as challenging as you want them to be and really captivates the attention of the analytical learners.
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I plan on using this method of learning becuase it aligns better with my methodology of teaching and places the learners in the spot light to see if they have retained key points of the day's lesson and an opportuntity to explain it to its peers.
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I use old wivestails and/or urban legends to illustrate medical concepts that the learners have heard their entire lives, but have never taken the time to understand why they have been around such a long time or why people believe them. I break down the physiology or anatomy behind these wivestails and expose them for what they are (partial truths).

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