Mike Oden

Mike Oden

About me


It is important to make sure you ask for feedback and review the feedback that you receive in order to decide if the feedback will help your online course and teaching skills.  After receiving feedback, you need to decide if you are going to use that feedback to make revisions or not. Not all feedback is going to be used. 

There are two types of course revisions, formative and summative revisions. Formative revisions should be completed quickly, they provide minimal changes. Summative revisions may provide detailed information that needs to be analyzed and assessed for appropriate revision. These revisions usually… >>>

Online teaching requires you to interact and communicate with students in different ways then in F2F teaching. There are different ways in communicating with students online S2C, S2I, and S2S. Online Instructors must also establish communication boundaries. 

There are many important keys in this section, but the most important key, to me, is prioritizing teaching online and your personal life. You must manage your time properly and set strict boundaries. It's important to ease your workload and stress levels.  A few things to help with that are; Organization (managing your workload), Discipline (blocking certain times of your week and weekends for responding to learners), Flexibility (selection of appropriate technology for your online course), and Distinguishing between work and personal life (set boundaries).

As an online instructor, it is important to manage your workload. The time in which an online instructor has to complete their workload varies. Some courses may take longer than others to prepare, more technology, design and development. A few strategies that could help you be more effective managing your workload is as follows:

  1. Prepare the course;
  2. Establish a teaching and social presence;
  3. Maintain policies and procedures;
  4. Engage students;
  5. Asses students; and
  6. Revise the course as needed.

When moving from a traditional F2F classroom setting into an online class, the instructor needs to make sure that the instructions, grading, posting rules, where to find your textbooks, etc. is in the syllabus and the course layout is easy to use and find items.

It is very important that the instructor pays attention to the course layout, the length of announcements, videos, or audio uploads. Students will lose interest and become frustrated if they are too long and they are unable to locate what they need. The instructor also needs to make sure that their course online structure reflects… >>>

At the end of each of your courses, it is important to review how well you communicated the assignments to the students, how the assignment was assessed, and how you could improve the assignment. It's also important to provide a strong leadership.

It is important as an online teacher that you organize your online class in a way that students can easily navigate it.  You also need to make all instructions clear in your syllabus, make items easy to find, and monitor your classes progress. Having a FAQ area will help the students as well as the instructor.  Students could post a question in there and other students could respond to it. If the student responds correctly, this could be used for extra credit.  It will help keep the students engaged in their online course.

"When a technology tool is difficulty to learn or use or it is not used for the proper function, teaching and learning are inhibited. The technology tool should support, not hinder, the teaching and learning process.  Assessment of each technology tool provides essential feedback as to whether to continue to use it or to investigate another technology tool better serve the instructor and students, If a technology tool cannot function in a manner in which it is needed, it will not be an effective teaching and learning tool."

This statement gives the best best summary for this section.  It is… >>>

It's important to use multiple evaluation methods for your online course.  This will help you learn where your mistakes are, where improvement is needed, and make the necessary changes, as needed.

Developing an assessment plan is important and balancing both formative and summative assessment in your course will provide students and you with the information about learning that is occurring. Formative assessments should be embedded in instruction and designed to improve the course learning. Summative assessments, should be designed to prove learning by a form of a test, project, prestation, or demonstrations.

Using self and peer assessments for student assignments, helps develop their skills for evaluating their work and others work. It also helps in providing constructive criticism. 

I've did both assessments throughout my college years.  I found them to be… >>>

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